Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Saying Goodbye to the "Dink"

Cohen had a monumental weekend.  We didn't have any plans for the weekend, so I suggested to DJ that we begin binky "detox" on Friday.  I've had it hanging over my head for the last 6-9 months, knowing that it needed to be done, but scared of what it would look like.  Ab and Rudy gave us a last minute invite to their house on Friday night, so we ended up going, thinking maybe it would wear Cohen out and bedtime wouldn't be quite so hard. He definitely got worn out.  We took him up to bed around 11:15 and I ended up just putting him in his crib and walking out after I realized he wasn't going to stop fighting me.  He cried when I left, but only for a few minutes and he was done.  Night one - check. 

The next day we planned to go to the farmer's market and then to Grant's baseball game.  Again, great opportunites to wear his wild butt out!  It worked, laid him down for a nap, no problem.  That night was a regular bedtime and routine and Cohen did great!  No fussing, no fighting us.  This was wwwwwwwwwwway to easy!  Full day #2 - check!

Sunday was very hot, but we had planned on doing some work around the house and trying to get Cohen out to play for awhile.  DJ laid him down for his nap that morning and finally, we got the fight that we expected.  He cried for about 15 minutes before falling asleep.  No afternoon nap that day because MawMaw and Papa were at the house.  Bedtime went down without a hitch, again!  Day #3 - check!

Monday was a new ballgame.  Time to go back to the babysitters.  Diane has told me that when she lays him down for a nap he goes right for his bink and he knows right where it's at because he always puts it in the same spot after getting up from his nap.  Hmm... I wasn't too sure how it would go, but I told Shirley that morning that we had a successful, binky-free weekend and that I was going to go ahead and collect all of the binkys at the house.  I didn't expect he would give Diane and Shirley too much trouble because he generally knows they mean business :)  I was anxious to hear the report at the end of the day.  Shirley said he did good!  He cried for a few minutes and went right to sleep.  Last night he asked DJ for his "dink" when he was getting laid down in his crib, but no crying after that and he slept all night without a peep!

Apparently I underestimated my child.  I thought binky detox was going to be horrible!  We had cut down to just naptime and bedtime.. for the most part, but he rrrrreally liked having it when he slept.  We were giving him one to hold and one to suck.. binky fein :)  He is doing 400x better than I expected though and I hesitate to say this, but I think we are pretty much in the clear at this point.  It feels good to have finally be rid of the bink.  As much as Cohen loved it, I worried about it affecting his teeth, speech and health.  We battled so many cold and flu bugs this year and I knew the binky was probably a big culprit.  So hopefully, getting rid of the bink will make for a happier, better rested and healthier Cohen.  Very proud of the big boy...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Vivienne and More

At 14 1/2 weeks, we had an ultrasound as early as we possibly could.  Most elective ultrasound companies start them at 16 weeks.  Count on me to find someone that could do it EVEN earlier :)  We had our appointment last Saturday, July 2nd.  Suprisingly, it was not torture waiting for that day.  I guess that's what happens when you have a two year old to keep you busy.  Pregnancy #2 is completely different from #1. 

I invited Gwyn and Grace to come with us, so it was DJ and I, Cohen, Grace and Gwyn.  I checked with everyone beforehand and made sure they got their votes in.  If you can believe this, all the boys on the Thompson side said boy and all the girls said girl! ; )  The Clevenger side had more boy votes.  I think Stacy was the only one that said girl. 

Everyone struggled to be patient as the ultrasound tech measured all the baby parts, making sure everything looked good.  Gender was going to be the last thing she told us.  I knew she was done with her measuring when I saw her get a smile on her face.  I was watching the screen and I thought, "hmm.. it looks more flat than I remember it being with Cohen" :)  Pretty soon, we saw It's A Girl!!! printed across the screen.  I tried to contain myself, but did let out a small eek!!, Grace and Gwyn both let out some hoots :) and I looked at DJ, who just smiled...  Cohen continued to be a 2 yr. old and squirmed to sit on the bed with Mommy.

Since finding out that we're having a girl, I have been doing A LOT of shopping.  I have been waiting for  this for a llllong time.  I told DJ, I walk into stores and into the baby girl clothing departments and just smile.  Finally, I can shop in this section and know that it is for MY baby!  DJ is adjusting to the idea of being a Dad to a girl :)  He says he is nervous, but he has had so much experience with little girls.  I guess it's different when it is your own.  As my Dad said, I'm sure she will have him wrapped around her finger in no time...

So the preparation has begun..we ask Cohen to give baby Vivi kisses, try to get him to say her name, although Baby in Cohen language sounds a lot like Vivi...convenient!  I'm exploring nursery ideas and I think I have a pretty cute theme planned.  The colors will be pink, red, blue and white.  Pictures to come...  I already feel like I have closer bond, knowing that "it" is now a "she".  I talk to her and make sure I use girl talk :)  Can't wait to meet my new little peanut.

In other news,  we just had our house painted.  It was part of the insurance claim from the ice storm.  Siding was torn off, so part of the check was for repairing and painting.  We went with a grey-blue color with white accents.  They just finished up yesterday and it looks good.  It was quite the process getting there, but we're happy with it now.

DJ and I just had our four year anniversary yesterday.  Time flies.  I know that isn't very long in the grand scheme of things, but it seems like just yesterday we were planning our wedding.  We had a low key night.  DJ got me a potted orchid and a nice card.  I made him a card.  We're having a date night next weekend and are going to the Cameron Mitchell Steakhouse and to see the last Harry Potter movie.  I don't remember the last time we had a date night, so I would say we are due...It will be very nice to be able to enjoy a meal together without having to yell at Cohen every 3 minutes to sit down :)

Speaking of Cohen.. he is our monster baby.  He is as wild as a 2 yr. old can get.  The boy never stops moving except for when he is sleeping...kind of.  We went on a walk last night and Cohen rode in the stroller.  On the way back to the house he decided he wanted to walk.  I thought, sure, let him burn off some of his energy!  I call him curious George.  He stopped and wanted to pick up every single leaf, stick, pine cone, etc.. that he saw.  Every house has a drain pipe that runs to the street and he would stop and look in every single one and say ewww, yuck!  It was a long trip back the house, but we laughed a lot.

We finally have a free weekend, so I think we're just going to hang out and home and try to relax.  I proposed binky detox to DJ, since we don't have anything planned.  He said he was game.  We'll see how it goes... Hopefully I'll have a good update for you next post :)