It was a teary departure Saturday morning, but once I was in the car and moving I settled down. The morning didn't go quite as planned. Any other morning Cohen would have been up at 7, but since I didn't set my alarm clock and needed to be up at 7, he decided to wake up after 8 : ) We had to rush to the grocery store so we had some food for Maw Maw and the peanut. I wanted to have a relaxed morning and spend some time with Cohen before I had to leave, but I didn't really get to do that. I was an hour late getting out of the house. I didn't care so much about being late, but I wished I could have played with Mo some more.
I laid Cohen down for a nap right before I took off and Mom reassured me that he would be fine and that I should have fun, so I sucked back my tears and headed north. As I was nearing Bellefountaine two deer ran out in front of me and I was a hair away from hitting one. What a tramatic start to the day!! I felt better once I got to BG in once piece. We did the BG thing. Those of you who went to BG, you know what I mean. Overall, the day was okay. It was good to see old friends and see how much things had changed since I was last there, which was probably about four years ago. Cohen did great for Mom aside from waking up at 4 am! That's been the new thing lately. I'm not sure if it is teething, hunger from a growth spurt or what, but hopefully it passes soon!
I left BG at 8 Sunday morning and felt like a little kid at Christmas. I could not wait to get back and see my baby : ) When I walked in the door, Cohen was soo funny. He was standing in front of the couch and starting yelling and jumping up and down. Then he came over and gave me some hugs. When DJ got home later in the day, it was quite obvious that he had also been missed. Cohen didn't leave his side for a good hour. So cute.
So we all survived, which I knew we would and maybe next time will be a little bit easier... or maybe not :) Looking forward to spending the day with family this Saturday. We're going to Lynd's fruit farm to pick apples and get pumpkins!!
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