She was weighing in at 5lb. 4oz. the day of the ultrasound. If she gains an oz. a day like they estimate, she'll weigh somewhere between 8.5-9lbs. Let's just hope that she gains like they're estimating and we'll both be in good shape! :)
All other measurements looked great. We took Cohen with us because we thought it would be good for him to be included. I'm not sure how aware he was of what was going on. He seemed most interested in the gel they were using on my belly. He kept pointing at it and going "Ewww.. yuck!" :) Stinker!
The next day was Halloween and Worthington's trick or treat. I made a monster costume for Cohen. It seemed very appropriate...
Bustin a Move
Our pumpkins. Daddy's on top, then mine, then Cohen's (Elmo)
Cohen did really well trick or treating. We only took him out for about an hour, but I think he would have had no problem going the whole time. He said trick or treat at the houses (in Cohen language), took one piece of candy and told everyone thank you. I wasn't sure how this would all go, but he was a champ! Maw Maw and PaPa came over after we were done and gave him his 'special' treat bag. He was pretty excited to see them. We hung out outside for a bit and handed out candy, but it was really cold so we didn't last long. Cohen kept running in and out of the front bushes. Every time he ran out he would laugh histerically at himself. We all laughed pretty hard too. It was hard not to. The child is pretty entertaining :)
Weird to think that next year we'll be doing all of this with another one. I'll have to come up with a cute, girly costume to go along with something for Mr. Monster. Good thing I'll be at home! Hopefully I'll have some more time to put together two costumes!
I'm 32 weeks today and my Dr.'s office has told me that they won't induce any sooner than 39 wks., so we're still planning on the 21st.. unless little miss decides to come on her own.. doubtful. So 7 weeks and counting! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Having our ultrasound and getting to see her sweet little face has made me that much more excited to meet her. I keep bringing her up to Cohen. He'll kiss my belly and say hi baby, but I don't think he really understands. How could he really? I'm hopeful and keeping my fingers crossed that he'll do well with this major change. He really takes an interest in babies when he is around them. Hopefully he'll have that same, POSITIVE interest in his own baby sister :)