Apparently it takes two months to get settled in enough to think about blogging again after having a baby. I can't believe Vivi is two months already!!! At this point with Cohen I would have been back to work for almost two weeks.. unreal. I can't imagine being back at work already. Being at home is not easy, especially with a two year old in the middle of winter. That being said, I wouldn't have it any other way. I LOVE being at home with my babies. I'm trying to cherish every second and I feel so lucky having seen the alternative. I feel such a sense of relief knowing that I get to be here with my kids everyday.
Vivi has been a good baby. She has fussy periods in the evening, but she is consolable and it is pretty brief. She is starting to become really smiley and more interactive. She wakes up once a night sometimes, but she also sleeps through the night a lot too. She's still in the bassinet, but spends a lot of nights curled up in my arm next to me. I don't feel as stressed about getting her into a routine and being regimented, knowing I'm not going to have to send her to a sitter. I still want to try to establish a routine just so that Dj and I can have some freedom, but I'm not going to fret about it.
Love, love, love my baby. She is so stinkin cute. I wish I could just bottle up her chubby cheeks, thighs, cute little baby noises and sweet smiles to keep with me forever.
Cohen. Cohen has been pretty awesome. He loves his baby sister. He gives her kisses, plays little piggies with her toes and loves on her any chance he gets. I really cannot complain at all about his response to being a big brother. It has been difficult to try to keep him entertained and find new things to keep him busy every day, but overall, he's doing great. He's been giving DJ and I fits with sleeping though. We got him a new big boy bed in February. He sleeps in it without any problems during nap, but bedtime every night is a struggle. He gets out of bed a million times and a lot of nights ends up in his crib. He's also been waking up in the middle of the night and crawling into bed with us. His 2 year old molars are just breaking through, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that once they are through he starts sleeping regularly. In the meantime, we're trying our hardest to get him out every time we get a chance and burn off some of his energy. He's such a funny little boy. He cracks everyone up. A little ball of energy and I don't know where he comes up with some of the things he does. The latest was sticking a french fry up his nose. That was an experience... He also stuck a piece of spinach in Vivi's mouth the other day. He told Dj, "Baby wants salad."

The latest with Dj and I is that we are preparing to list our house. We are in desparate need of more space. We've been driving through different areas on the weekends trying to find a place that meets our needs. Over the past weekend I think we found one that may be a keeper. It is a subdivision in Sunbury. All of the lots are about 1-1.5 acres. There aren't any houses available now, so we would probably need to have one built. I've called the builder a couple of times trying to get more information. We're going to shoot for listing our house by April 1st and are going to try to sell it ourselves for a couple months. Hopefully it is a success and we can save some $$$ on realtor fees! We shall see. I'm pretty excited about that neighborhood, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
Nap time is nearing an end. (Ahh.. nap time :) ) I want to give some sort of an update, but I better try to get some chores done!